May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month. There is still time to take advantage of our 25% pricing for our “Exercise for Osteoporosis” program that begins THIS week.  Kim, a Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) Ambassador, focuses on the exercise component of those who have been told they have Osteopenia and/or Osteoporosis. Click on the red button to register for this valuable program. 

Bones form the physical foundation of our body - the skeleton. The process of building a strong skeleton begins in the womb with good nutrition and movement - yes, we were kicking and punching long before we were born! We must follow good nutritional practices, establish an active lifestyle, and avoid bad habits throughout our childhood, in an effort to maintain the strength and integrity of our bones and muscles throughout our lifetime.

Osteoporosis is a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences. Regardless of your gender or age (<20, 30, 50, 70+...) you should be concerned about the current health of your bones. Unfortunately, many people do not think about bone health until they experience a bone fracture or are presented with a diagnosis of Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. At that point, they are often left to their own devices to find out as much as they can about these bone diseases. Having done their own research, some people still feel they are not sure what types of exercise they should do and are not sure what specific exercises are appropriate, safe , and effective for them. 

We can help! Our newest Osteoporosis program focuses on the EXERCISE component of living with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. It is a sequel to our original 7-week program and is geared toward those who feel they already have a good understanding of Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, and Sarcopenia, but are not sure what type of exercise, or exercises, are safe and effective to include in cardiovascular and progressive resistance programs geared toward preserving bone density, increasing strength, & decreasing the risk of falls. This 4-week interactive program includes three important components:

1) Comprehensive education via discussion, slides, participant booklet, and movement
2) In-depth discussions about safe and effective exercises and options. You will learn about - and practice:
     > Proper exercise posture, form, alignment and technique
     > Balance and Stability exercises and strategies to reduce the risk of falling
     > Weight bearing exercises/activities and resistance training
     > Exercises that may be risky or contraindicated for people who have Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. Safer alternatives will be
     > Activity segments to highlight safe exercise alternatives and movement options
3) Homework: Exercises to do at home to progress and build accountability between meetings at The Studio

> Fee is 25% off during Osteoporosis Awareness Month (May)
> Meets 1x per week for 4-weeks
> Each meeting is 1.5 hours
> Dates: Wednesdays: May 08, 15, 22, 29 from 1:30-3:00pm

Our original, comprehensive OSTEOPENIA, OSTEOPOROSIS and SARCOPENIA PROGRAM Details:
> Meets 1x per week for 5-weeks
> Each meeting is 2 hours
> Dates for the next offering will be scheduled and posted in a few weeks.